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Image by Hans Reniers

Story Friday


Stories from Story Friday:  Chemistry


Stories from Chemistry, first performed at Story Friday Chemistry, 8th November, Burdall’s Yard, Bath.

We were back at Burdall’s Yard in November, for stories on the theme of Chemistry.  We had explosive stories from fabulous writers Nicolas Ridley, Philip Douch, Alison Clink, Christopher Moore, Georgia Stride, Clare Reddaway and Stephanie Weston.  Tales of love and labs, of poisoners, moon gazers and lust around the swimming pool.  


Have a listen to the stories below, and read Georgia’s piece of flash fiction which we printed in the programme.

The Stories:

1. We started the evening with A Little Flutter, written by Alison Clink and read by Caroline Garland

2. Newcomer to Story Friday Christopher Moore gave us a moving story triggered by a smile across a swimming pool in Our Beautiful Bodies, written by Christopher Moore, read by Oliver Langdon

3. Stephanie took us into the staff room with hilarious consequences in her story Class Warfare, written and read by Stephanie Weston

4. Philip focussed on the school labs in his very funny story about the vicissitudes of relatable pupil Steve in Science, Steve and the Real World, written and read by Philip Douch

5. Clare took us to the moon in her story of rocky love, Stealing the Moon, written and read by Clare Reddaway

6. Nicolas concluded the evening with his comical and clever An Account of Six Poisonings, written and read by Nicolas Ridley

Fancy a read instead? Try these:

The Garden
Image by Shalev Cohen

Story Friday
The Garden

Stories from Story Friday:  The Garden


Stories from The Garden, first performed at Story Friday The Garden, 3rd May 2019, Burdall’s Yard, Bath.

We had a truly marvellous line-up of stories for our May Story Friday.  Thoughtful, philosophical, dramatic, moving – and two that were laugh-out-loud funny.  I’d highly recommend having a listen to our fantastic writers:  Martin Philips, Ysella Sims, Crysse Morrison, Stephanie Weston, Clare Reddaway, Adrian Paul and Mark Rutterford.

The Stories:

1. Martin transported the audience to the heart of Wales, in his mesmerising story The Fox and the Mountain Fighter, written and read by Martin Philips


2. Newcomer to Story Friday Ysella Sims gave a wonderful performance in her moving story set in a London garden – Late Light, written and read by Ysella Sims

3. Crysse Morrison joined us from Frome, with a thoughtful and beautifully observed story about family and ageing.  Mrs Rosoman’s Dilemma, written and read by Crysse Morrison

4. Stephanie Weston is on particularly hilarious form with Horticultural Hell, written and read by Stephanie Weston

5. Adrian Paul gives us an exquisite examination of coping with grief in his story  Collector’s Piece, written and read by Adrian Paul

6. Mark Rutterford made the audience cackle with his surreal (and very local) tale, The Jam Mines of Camerton, written and read by Mark Rutterford

7. Clare Reddaway’s story focusses on a child’s experiences in a garden in County Cork, in The Garden, written and read by Clare Reddaway


Story Friday

Stories from Story Friday: Invitation


Stories from Invitation, first performed at Story Friday Invitation, 22nd March 2019, Burdall’s Yard, Bath.

What is more intriguing than an unopened invitation? We invited writers to write their favourite invitation story for a glorious story-party this March.

We were delighted to have a number of writers new to Story Friday on stage this time.  Mark Lewis, Claire Barnard and Alice Jolly have never written for us before.  We were very pleased to welcome back Richard Bond, Nicolas Ridley, Mark Hynes and Emma London.  We had a lovely short piece by Ruth Ethelgreen (another newcomer) in the programmes.  All the writers had very different takes on our theme of ‘invitation’, so listen out for rats and moose-heads, masterpieces or forgeries, unexpected visitors to the pub, and a string of abandoned clothes… Enjoy!

The Stories:

1. Nicolas brings us another of his charming, perfectly timed stories.  Moose-Head, Doe-Eyes, Shrew, written and read by Nicolas Ridley


2. A short, very en pointe piece called Invitation, written by Richard Bond and read by Olly Langdon

3. Emma’s story feels all too horribly and hilariously real. Uninvited Guests, written and read by Emma London

4. Alice’s story Lara and Me, is poignant and beautiful.  Written by Alice Jolly and read by Amy Vickers

5. Mark’s surreal pub had the audience laughing in Your Feedback Is Appreciated, written and read by Mark Lewis

6. We are taken for a walk with George in Claire’s story The Clothes In The Road, written by Claire Barnard, read by Olly Langdon

7. Mark explores the art world with his intriguing story Gallery of the Missing, written and read by Mark Hynes

Image by NordWood Themes

Story Friday

Stories from Story Friday: 2018

Stories from 2018, first performed at Story Friday 2018, 25th January, 2019 Burdall’s Yard, Bath.

2018 was quite a year.  We marked it at Story Friday with stories  inspired by events that happened during the year.  We had a range of responses both in subject – football, sun probes – and in tone – from fairytales to a form of stand-up comedy.  We selected only one story that dealt directly with the dreaded Brexit, and we hope you’ll find newcomer to Story Friday Matt Harris’s ‘The Present Want Out’ an original take on the subject!  Stories from Elaine Miles, Mark Rutterford, Matt Harris, David Wood, Clare Reddaway and Stephanie Weston are available to listen to below.

As this event was topical, we thought we’d make it REALLY topical. We challenged writers  to write a story responding to this week’s new.  It was a tough deadline – but we had some corkers!  We would like to thank the royal family for inspiring many a writer to put pen to paper.

We had two winners of the first Story Friday Challenge: Mark Rutterford and Philip Douch. Here are their stories:

The Stories:

1. Philip’s hilarious topical story In The News This Week, written and read by Philip Douch


2. Mark’s topical and thought-provoking story might make your mouth water. Having Your Cake And Eating It, written by Mark Rutterford, read by Caroline Garland

3. Here are the main stories from Story Friday 2018

4. There are  time travellers and Brexit in Matt Harris’s very funny The Present Wants Out, written by Matt Harris, read by Olly Langdon

5. Steph always makes the audience laugh and When The Chips are Down is no exception. Written and read by Stephanie Weston

6. David Wood brought a surreal element to the evening with his story The Fairytale of 2018, written and read by David Wood

7. More laugh-out-loud comedy from Elaine Miles – who knew 2018 could be so funny?  Breaking News is written and read by Elaine Miles

8. Mark’s other story for this event, It’s Coming Home, mixed football with a more intimate tale. Written and read by Mark Rutterford

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