Welcome to the Story Friday Archive
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Story Friday
Spring Fever
Stories from Story Friday: Spring Fever
A Word In Your Ear presented our very first Story Friday: an evening of new stories written and performed by local writers on 30th March 2012.
From wanton behaviour among the daffs to the dusty streets of Peshawar our writers were inspired by Spring Fever.
We were thrilled to welcome talented writer-performers:
Lisa Fryer
Najma Yusufi
Diana King
Susie Barett
Elaine Miles
Clare Reddaway
They were accompanied by some fantastic music by the Reduced Great Western Revellers.
When: Friday 30th March 8pm.
Where: Kilter Theatre HQ, Ex-Bespoke Kitchen Shop, 7 London Road, Bath BA1 6AJ. Opposite Ripples Bathroom Shop

Story Friday
Bread and Circuses
Stories from Story Friday: Bread and Circuses
Bread and Circuses was held on Friday 18th May, upstairs at the Curfew Pub, Cleveland Place West, Bath at 7.30pm.
We had some dark tales this month on the theme of Bread and Circuses. From disaffection by the cricket pitch to protests on the streets of Greece, from eighteenth century actresses to restaurateurs with an attitude our writers approached the theme with relish (geddit? sorry…).
Our writer-performers were:
Elaine Miles
Lisa Fryer
Philip Douch
Jayne Newton Chance
Lee Combes
Clare Reddaway
And we had live music from JILTED CAPER.

Story Friday
Not the Olympics
Stories from Story Friday: Not The Olympics
Stories first performed for Story Fridays Not the Olympics at the Curfew Inn, 6th July 2012
We had a wide range of stories, some giving a nod to the Olympics and some steering well clear.
We had parenting classes with a twist, reluctant teenagers in care homes, testosterone-fuelled competitions and the perils of dressing up as a mascot.
Music was from the wonderful Reduced Great Western Revellers.
Writer-performers this month were:
1. Lisa Fryer imagines being dressed up as an Olympic mascot: Never Level, written and read by Lisa Fryer
2. Christine Roberts gives an impassioned voice to a low-paid worker: Not the Olympics, written and read by Christine Roberts
3. Olly reads Pauline Masurel’s story which actually features a race: Winners and Losers, written by Pauline Masurel, read by Oliver Langdon
4. In this story, Philip Douch takes a wry look at the facilitator of a parenting class: Being a Parent, written and read by Philip Douch
5. The narrator of Clare Reddaway’s story might have spent too much time staring at the stars: Living in the Shadow of Venus, written and read by Clare Reddaway

Story Friday
The Fall
Stories from Story Friday: The Fall
Stories first performed for Story Fridays The Fall at The Museum of Bath at Work, 21st September 2012
Our writers were inspired to write on themes and characters as diverse as God during the Creation, poisonous plants, the life of a chippy in Troy and a nonagenarian with an attitude. Some stories were funny, some angry, all were thought provoking.
Writer-performers were:
1. Christine Roberts gives a moving and insightful portrait of a strong woman: The Fall, written and read by Christine Roberts
2. Elaine Miles gives a new meaning to Neighbourhood Watch: The Trouble with Next Door, written and read by Elaine Miles
3. After hearing Pauline Masurel’s story, you might step less lightly in the garden: The Disease Garden, written and read by Pauline Masurel
4. Sarah Hilary dissects the catwalk in this sparkling piece of flash fiction: The Catwalk is a Landing Strip, written and read by Sarah Hilary

Story Friday
The Story Friday theme for November was Sparks, appropriate we hoped for the month of Guy Fawkes.
We promenaded around the Museum in the dark and it was atmospheric and a little bit spooky… We heard stories about Mount Etna and some honeymooners, about a baker’s fantasies, a fireworkmaker and his perfect firework, about an alternative electrician and an axe murderer.
The finale for the evening found the audience grouped about a huge table to hear about some domestic chaos at a dinner party.
We had some great stories from:
Di King
Elaine Miles
Philip Douch
Sarah Hilary
Jonathan Pinnock
Clare Reddaway
Pauline Masurel
With live music from Gabi Maas and Jamie Huddlestone
Date: 16th November 2012
Venue: Museum of Bath at Work